Combatting The Procrastination Monster
Procrastination. Regardless of whether we’re willing to admit it, very few of us can escape from the jaws of the “Do-Anything-Other-Than-What-I-Need-To-Do” monster. We all struggle with it.
In my case, I’ll pick out every tiny detail that’s wrong in the house (uncleaned dishes, an empty fridge, the spec of dust lodged in the corner of the floor molding, etc.) and suddenly it will become the biggest, most important issue that I need to take care of immediately. If I don’t, the issue will start growing in my head until it’s all that I can obsess about. It’s not that I have an obsessive compulsive disorder about household chores or really love taking care of my house, it’s just that I’m procrastinating.
Specifically, I’m procrastinating from doing a task that is simply filling me with dread. Most of the time, these types of tasks involve intensive amount of focus and are high brain power activities.
As social psychologist, Devon Price points out, it’s not that I’m lazy, there are just other situational factors that are holding me back from getting the work done. In his article, Laziness Does Not Exist, Dr. Price explains that instead of being a consequence of laziness, procrastination actually relates to a functioning problem. Therefore, “when a person fails to begin a project that they care about, it’s typically due to either a) anxiety about their attempts not being “good enough” or b) confusion about what the first steps of the task are.”
As someone who is a lifelong struggler against procrastination, I’ve experienced failure to start a project for all kinds of reasons. Before college, I struggled to participate in group projects because I simply didn’t know how to do research. Even though this was a couple decades ago, I still vividly remember throwing a tantrum and crying to my mother the night before a biology project was due. While she helped me complete my portion of the project in time not to let down my team mate, I remember being told that I needed to manage my time better. In actuality, the thing that was holding me back from doing the project was that I had never been shown how to research. I didn’t understand that there is a specific method to doing research. Thus, despite being a straight A student at the time, I experienced study paralysis, procrastinated, and needed my mom to help me finish the assignment. I was completely demoralized.
Years later, this sense of demoralization stayed with me causing my procrastination to evolve into a fear of failure so great that I became completely incapable of getting tasks done. I found excuse after excuse for why I couldn’t sit down and just get it done. Eventually, unwritten thank-you cards grew into missed assignments, which then transitioned into unanswered texts and emails. This time, it wasn’t that I didn’t know how to do the task. I also didn’t lack “desire, motivation, or moral character.” I was just paralyzed because I cared too much about doing a good job, making it harder to get started. In time, the guilt over not getting my task list done, spilled over into my social life, and as self-punishment, I told myself I wasn’t allowed to go out or have fun. So, that’s how the unanswered messages started. Thank goodness, I had understanding and persistent friends who never gave up on me throughout my periodic social disappearances.
However, it wasn’t enough to simply rely on moral support. I didn’t want to constantly miss out on all the good times people were having. Moreover, I didn’t want to feel like I was always treading water in an ocean of guilt. I wanted to do more than survive. I wanted to thrive.
So, here are my tips on how to defeat the Procrastination Monster.
First, when I notice myself starting to procrastinate, I immediately go through a mental checklist:
Are there situational factors that are holding me back? (e.g. do I have everything I need to get it done?)
What needs must I meet in order to get started? (e.g. do I know how to do it?)
Are there other barriers to action that I’m encountering? (e.g. am I stressed about something else?)
The bottom line is that I try to identify exactly why I’m not working. Then, it’s just a matter of fixing the problem.
For example, if I’m having a hard time focusing because I’m stressed about the deadline, maybe I need to ask for an extension ahead of time (read: not the night before!). If an extension isn’t feasible, is there someone who can shoulder the load? Alternatively, am I doing the work in the most efficient way possible? Can I avoid reinventing the wheel? Otherwise, maybe the next best thing is to just cry, let it out, and see how far you can get. Either way, something is better than nothing. I usually find that once I get started all the self-doubt keeping me from focusing will just fall away.
Another way I combat procrastination is by using the 10-minute method. This is where I simply sit down and make a pact with myself to just put in a good 10 minutes of real effort. Then, if I still have a blank page, at least I can honestly say I tried and the guilt won’t be so bad. Usually, once I actually sit down and start thinking about the project, my curiosity gets the best of me and I start researching intensely - completely forgetting that I didn’t want to do it in the first place.
If my issue isn’t about situational factors like deadlines, but I’m still having a hard time getting started because I feel like whatever I do won’t be good enough, sometimes I trick myself into getting started by using the believe-and-achieve method. This is where I sit down, and take a few minutes to imagine that really great feeling of being done and closing the copious amount of open tabs. If I’m really feeling down, sometimes I even go so far as to imagine the applause and compliments that I might receive for doing such a good job. This desire for a good feeling will generally jump-start me into working.
The opposite version of the believe-and-achieve method is the I’m-too-guilty-not-to-do-it method. This is where I keep putting off the task until finally, I feel so bad and am so stressed about the consequences of not getting my work done that I end up waking up at 3am just to get it completed. I generally save this method for a last resort since it doesn’t exactly promote emotional or mental well-being, and I tend to end up wasting a lot of time thinking about the task - often using up more time than the actual time spent doing the work.
Finally, when I’m not particularly emotionally invested in a project, but just don’t feel like doing it, I find the just-open-the-document method tends to work wonders. This anti-procrastination strategy is very similar to the on-the-go method because both require that I stop thinking and just start somewhere. If I’m complaining that I can’t get anything done because I’m in transit, I tend to use the on-the-go method where I just open up my phone and start recording my thoughts. Often times this method works for me because my need for perfection will prompt me into redrafting what I recorded so that I actually get to a finished work product. Other times when I’m in front of a computer but seem to find endless reasons to open up new tabs or watch stream shows, the just-open-the-document method works for me because by just opening the file I need to work on, my state of procrastination is broken. In other words, I stop myself from being under the Netflix spell.
Of course, if push comes to shove, there’s also always the option of pulling out the old study-buddy method. In case you hadn’t guessed, that’s where I call up my best friend and business partner and go to her house to work in her home office. I find that even her mere presence will set fire to my sense of urgency, thereby inspiring me to get it done! The key to this method is having the discipline not to goof off and get side tracked.
What strategies do you use to be productive? Comment below and let us know!
Until next time,
- C.